NorZIG Z39.50 Profile Version 2 Conformance statement


Ole Husby, BIBSYS

This statement describes in detail how a Z39.50 product conforms to
NorZIG Z39.50 Profile Version 2 ( and to
NorZIG Holdings Profile version 2 (

  This form may be used to describe two different product types:

  Z39.50 target software: The capabilities of the software as such should be described, regardless of whether a certain option is actually used in a specific implementation or not.

  Z39.50 target service: If the target offers access to more than one database, it may be necessary to fill in more than one form, depending on the diversity of the databases.

0. Product description

 Name of product  
 Name and address of
 Name and email address
 of contact person
 URL for further info  

Type of product (check one):

 Z39.50 target software  
 Z39.50 target service  

To be filled in for services only:

 Host address  
 Port number  
 Database name(s)  

  (For a service with several databases, the database names that this statement applies to should be listed. If the statement applies to all databases at the target, please enter "ALL".)

1. Profile requirements

  Describe the scope of this statement by entering Y (Yes) or N (No) for each of the profile sections. Please fill in conformance details for all the chapters marked by Y.

This statement applies to the following sections in the profile:

 1A. Common requirements  
 1B. Bibliographic Search and Retrieval  
 1C. Holdings Information Search and Retrieval  
 1E. Cross-domain Search and Retrieval  
 2. Holdings requirements  

  Note that the text in the following sections (1A – 2) is copied literally from the profile document, without making any changes other than a conversion into a table layout.

  The text in the left column contains a profile item, while the right column should be filled in according to the following rules:

  Please use the following codes only:

  Y = Yes Please use the following codes only:
  N = No
  N/A = Not applicable
  C = Conditional

  In case C is used, it should be accompanied by a note describing the particular details. Please collect all such notes on a separate sheet, and use numbers to reference them: C1, C2 . . .

  The C value may be used to indicate that a certain requirement is fulfilled in a subset of the available databases.

1A. Common Requirements

Protocol Version

Targets (Servers) and Origins (Clients) must support ISO 23950 i.e. Z39.50-1995 Version 3  

Attribute Sets

Targets and Origins must support the Bib-1 attribute set, (i.e., process requests and responses that contain the OID for Bib-1).  
Targets and Origins must support the Bib-1 Diagnostic set.  

Initialisation Facility

Targets may limit access to Origins based on ID/Authentication parameters UserID and Password. In case of denial, the Target must return a diagnostic from the Bib-1 diagnostic set, in the range 1010 to 1023.  
Targets may limit access to Origins based on IP authentication. In case of denial, the Target must return a valid Init response with the following diagnostic from the BIB-1 diagnostic set, 1016: “Init/AC: Blocked network address”.  

Termination Facility

Targets and Origins must support the Close Service.  

ExplainLite Facility

Targets should return an ExplainLite XML document with configuration information in response when requested to do so as part of an Init Request.  
Targets should additionally make the same ExplainLite XML document available on a web server.  

Character Set

Targets and origins must support ISO 8859-1:1998 Latin-1. This applies to character data within:

Parameters of type InternationalString  
Terms within search requests, scan requests and scan responses  
NORMARC, SUTRS and XML records  

1B. Bibliographic Search and Retrieval

Targets must support the Search service and the Present service as specified in this functional area.  
Additionally, targets should support the Scan service as specified in this functional area.  

Search Service

Targets and Origins must support Query-type Type-1, i.e. RPN.  
Targets must support the Database-names "default" and "xxdefault". In the case when a target includes a database that to some degree is an aggregation of logical sub-databases, it is recommended that these default names should designate this particular database.  
Targets must support the Result-set-name parameter and should attempt to retain at least two named result sets for the duration of a session, if the Origin names at least two result sets.  
A Z39.50 Origin must supply values for the Bib-1 attribute types Use and Structure. The Origin should supply values for the remaining four Bib-1 attribute types.  
Targets must interpret (i.e. neither ignore nor substitute) the values supplied for all of those attribute types, which are submitted in a given query.  

Targets must support the following values for Relation-, Truncation-, Completeness- and Position- attributes:

Relation = 3 i.e. equal  
Truncation = 100, i.e. do not truncate  
Completeness = 1, i.e. Incomplete subfield  
Position = 3, i.e. Any position in field  
If one or more of those four attribute types are missing in a query, the Target may choose to substitute the values given above as default values for the missing attribute type - or reject the incomplete query with the following diagnostic from the Bib-1 diagnostic set, 123: "Unsupported Attribute Combination".  

The following Structure attribute values must be supported together with relevant Use attributes:

Phrase = 1 (e.g. "frühstück einer langschläferin")  
Word = 2 (e.g. "langschläferin")  
Year = 4 (four digits, e.g. "1994")  
Name normalised = 101
(last name, first name(s), e.g. "bringsværd, tor åge")
Name un-normalised = 102
(first name last name, e.g. "tor åge bringsværd")
Note that in the case of Name normalised, the required syntax is
last name, first name(s). Any spaces between the comma and the first name must be ignored by the Target.

Targets must support the following combinations of Bib-1 attributes:

NameUse RelPos StructTrunc Compl  
Personal name - normalized 133 1011, 1001  
Corporate name 233 21, 1001  
Conference name 333 21, 1001  
Title - phrase 433 11001  
Title - word 433 21, 1001  
Title - first characters 431 111  
Title - exact 431 11003  
Title series 533 21, 1001  
ISBN 733 21, 1001  
ISSN 833 21, 1001  
Local number 1233 21001  
Dewey 1333 21, 1001  
UDC 1433 21, 1001  
Local class number 2033 21, 1001  
Subject - phrase 2133 11001  
Subject - word 2133 21, 1001  
Subject - first characters 2131 111  
Subject - exact 2131 11003  
Date of publication - year 3133 41001  
National bibliography number 4833 21001  
Author - normalized 100333 1011, 1001  
Author - un-normalized 100333 1021, 1001  
Author-name personal 100433 1011, 1001  
Author-name corporate 100533 1021, 1001  
Author-name conference 100633 1021, 1001  
Any 101633 21, 1001  
Doc-id 103233 21001  
Possessing institution 104433 21001  

The requirement to support an attribute combination is not absolute, but should only apply in the case when the data type corresponding to the use attribute is present in the database. If not, the target must fail the search, and return the following diagnostic from the Bib-1 diagnostic set, 114: "Unsupported use attribute".  
Targets are recommended to support additional combinations enumerated in the Bath Profile V1 requirements for Level-1 Bibliographic Search and Retrieval.  

Present Service

Targets must support the following types of Preferred-record-syntaxes:


For each of these record syntaxes, targets must support the following Element-set-names(ESN):

Please indicate support for a given Element-set-name for each of the record syntaxes S (SUTRS), N (NORMARC), and M (MARC21) S N M
F for Full, e.g. all available bibliographic elements. Targets should include summary Holdings data in the records, if this information is available (e.g. MARC21 fields 85x and 86x)      
B for Brief, e.g. Author, Title and Publication date.      
R for Reduced, i.e. same bibliographic information as F but without any Holdings data.      

When holdings data elements are supplied as part of a bibliographic record, they must conform to the NorZIG Holdings Profile Version 2.  
Targets must encode all records in ISO 8859-1:1998 Latin-1.  

Scan Service

Targets supporting the Scan service must comply with the requirements in this section.

Targets must support the Database names "default" and "xxdefault", c.f. the requirement for Search Service.  

Targets must support the following combinations of Bib-1 attributes:

Name Use Structure  
Personal name - normalized1101  
Corporate name22  
Conference name32  
Title - phrase41  
Title - word42  
Title series52  
Local class number202  
Subject - phrase211  
Subject - word212  
Author - normalized1003101  
Author-name personal1004101  
Author-name corporate1005102  
Author-name conference1006102  
Possessing institution10442  

The requirement to support an attribute combination is not absolute, but should only apply in the case when the data type corresponding to the use attribute is present in the database. If not, the target should fail the scan, and return the following diagnostic from the BIB-1 diagnostic set, 114: "Unsupported use attribute".  
Target must support Step-size = 0, i.e. "do not skip any entries" and Position-in-response = 1.  
Target must return the number of entries (hits) associated with each SCAN Term.  

1C. Holdings Information Search and Retrieval

Search service

Targets must support the Use attribute number 1044 i.e. Possessing-Institution within bibliographic searches, as required in area B.  
The expected value of this attribute is a code (library symbol or other code) of the institution which possesses the document.  

Present service

Targets must support Level-1 Holdings  
and should support Level-2 Holdings  

Level-1 Holdings

The Minimal bibliographic level holdings data must be returned within NORMARC or MARC 21.  
Level-1 Retrieval of Holdings information is initiated by a Present Request where Record syntax = NORMARC or = MARC21 and ESN = B1.  

Level-2 Holdings

The Summary bibliographic level holdings must be returned within an XML structure corresponding to the Z39.50 Holdings XML Schema for Element Set B2.  
Level-2 Retrieval of Holdings information is initiated by a Present Request where Record syntax = XML and ESN = B2.  

1E. Cross-domain Search and Retrieval

Search service

The requirements for Functional Area B search service all apply, except the support of the attribute combinations.  

For the Cross-domain search, Origins and Targets must support the following combinations of Bib-1 attributes:

NameUse RelPos StructTrunc Compl  
DC.Title - phrase 109733 11, 1001  
DC.Title - word 109733 21, 1001  
DC.Title - first characters 109731 111  
DC.Title - exact 109731 11003  
DC.Creator - normalized 109833 1011, 1001  
DC.Creator - un-normalized 109833 1021, 1001  
DC.Subject - phrase 109933 11, 1001  
DC.Subject - word 109933 21, 1001  
DC.Subject - first characters 109931 111  
DC.Subject - exact 109931 11003  
DC.Publisher 110133 11, 1001  
DC.Date 110233 21001  
DC.Identifier 110433 21001  

Present service

Dublin Core metadata elements are encoded according to the DC/RDF XML specification.  
The metadata will correspond to the Reduced (R) Element Set Name described in the Present Service specification in functional area B.  
The DC/RDF XML information must be returned in response to a Present Request where Record Syntax = XML and Element Set Name = R. For the purpose of alignment with the ONE-2 profile, a Present Request where Record Syntax = XML and Element Set Name = F should be treated in the same way, however without holdings data.  

2. Holdings requirements



The target must include one or several 850 fields, containing the following subfields, where the Norwegian descriptions are quoted from the NORMARC standard:

Subfield Description Description (Norwegian)  
 $aInstitution/location Eiende bibliotek/avdeling  
 $bSublocation/collection Filial-, avdelings- eller samlingskode  
 $cShelving location Hyllesignatur  
 $gHoldings string (Not in NORMARC)  
 $iFirst volume Første bind i biblioteket  
 $jParallel numbering for first volume Parallell bindnummerering til første bind  
 $kFirst year Første år i biblioteket  
 $lLast volume Siste bind i biblioteket  
 $mParallel numbering for last volume Parallell bindnummerering til siste bind  
 $nLast year Siste år i biblioteket  


The target must include one or several 866 fields, containing the following subfields:

Subfield Description  
 $aHoldings string  


The target should include one or several "records" - each consisting of one or several lines - with the same contents as in the NORMARC case for subfields $a, $b and $c, but without subfield information or other punctuation.  
Holdings data should be expressed in human-readable form, e.g. in the same way as in subfield $g.  



The target must include one or several 850 fields, containing the following subfields, where the Norwegian descriptions are quoted from the NORMARC standard:

Subfield Description Description (Norwegian)  
 $aInstitution/location Eiende bibliotek/avdeling  
 $bSublocation/collection Filial-, avdelings- eller samlingskode  
 $cShelving location Hyllesignatur  
 $fUse restrictions (Not in NORMARC)  
 $hCirculation status (Not in NORMARC)  
 $xDate of circulation status (Not in NORMARC)  
 $yLoan expiry date (Not in NORMARC)  


The Target must include one or several 852 fields, containing the following subfields:

Subfield Description  
 $cShelving location  


The target should include one or several "records" - each consisting of one or several lines - with the same contents as in the NORMARC case for subfields $a, $b and $c, but without subfield information or other punctuation.  
Use restrictions and circulation status should be expressed in a human-readable form.